We'd like to tell you Episode Two's been sitting in the wings for four months and we just forgot to hit the "post" button, but alas, the reasons for it taking so long are much more humbling. We won't bore you with details --- beyond saying that our attempts at building our own 2 TB RAID 10 ended poorly, we've gone through many more hard drives, our composer's PC crashed and needed to be replaced altogether, one of us moved (Zack, to Fort Greene, Brooklyn), family visited, we overate at Thanksgiving, blah blah blah. Then again, maybe we will bore you, but we'll save it for future posts! Regardless, we've suffered many of the pangs typical of an independent production, and we thank you for sticking with us.
In addition to the new episode, we've also made some changes to the site. Check out the new full screen option by clicking the icon in the lower right corner of the video player. Also, take a look at our Press page, which links to a couple recent interviews we've done and a few of the (mostly) nice things people have been saying about The West Side. And finally, in case you missed it in our last post, subscribe to our podcast in iTunes and download the first two episodes to your iPod or iPhone.
All that said, we're proud to release Episode Two of The West Side. For those of you returning, we hope it's worth the wait; and for those of you just joining us, welcome (and be sure to check out Episode One). And as always, tell a friend!
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