We're pleased to announce that Episode Four is now live, so check it out.
A lot has happened since Episode Three went live a couple of months ago, and truth be told it's been a bit of a whirlwind for us. That said, we managed to turn around this episode faster than any prior entry; we first rolled camera for Episode Four on May 10th, and here we are posting it 28 days later... all the while still working our full-time jobs.
We had the opportunity to premiere a draft version of Episode Four on the big screen at a panel put on by Filmmaker Magazine and IndieGoGo Thursday at the IFC Center. It was great to see our work on the big screen, and as you'll see, this is the episode to see in a theater. We'd like to thank Lance Weiler for looping us in and Scott Macaulay from Filmmaker Magazine for having us. If you'd like to read a bit more about the evening, it's covered here.
As we've said before, making these episodes ain't easy, and we couldn't have made this episode happen without the continued support from our friends and fans. Thanks to everyone for keeping us going, and as always, tell a friend!
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